Feature film


Isaura is being developed as a family friendly feature film set in Mozambique. It follows Isaura’s journey to discover magical forces that help protect her environment and community against those who choose to exploit it. Currently in development alongside NLite.

Isaura Mozambique Animation

Isaura is a resilient and resourceful young girl living in a coastal village in Mozambique.

After risking her own life to save a turtle, she is rewarded with a powerful and ancient talisman that allows her to breathe underwater and communicate with turtles.

As bearer of the talisman, she becomes a guardian of the ocean and all the animals living in it. She is not alone however, as she is joined by her trusty, turtle companion Couro.

On her journey Isaura discovers that others have been trusted with similar talisman all around the world, but some will use their incredible power…  for evil.

Isaura Mozambique Animation
Isaura Mozambique Animation

Isaura has strong conservation messaging, set in a magical realistic world and wrapped up in an epic tale of good vs evil.

Isaura is partially funded, we are currently seeking completion funding from all avenues. If you would like to help get this important message to eyes and ears across the world, we’d love to chat.

Isaura Mozambique Animation
Isaura Mozambique Animation
Isaura Mozambique Animation