brand film

Tanya was born out of the immense success of the initial FAST campaign. The kids had spoken and they wanted to see a girl version of Timmy and thus Tanya was born!

FAST Animation Saves Lives

Our story follows Tanya as she visits her grandparents after school and takes them through the fun and interactive activities contained within the FAST workbook.

We wanted to keep the short light hearted and fun filled up until the dramatic turning point where unfortunately, Tanya’s grandfather suffers the effects of a stroke. Thankfully the activities not only prepped Tanya, but her grandmother too, resulting in FAST action that save Armando’s life and prevent any lasting effects.

The reaction to Tanya has been incredible and we are thrilled our creation resonates with children and grandparents around the world.

FAST Animation Saves Lives
FAST Animation Saves Lives

Some stats we’re proud of

  • Over 250,000 children have been taught about stroke via the FAST Heroes campaign.
  • This equates to over half a million grandparents who have been passed on the knowledge from their grandchild.
  • The teaching has taken part in over 7000 schools in 30 countries around the world.
  • Real life stories of lives being saved as a direct result of the campaign are already being received
FAST Animation Saves Lives
FAST Animation Saves Lives